QA Is a Recipient of the Bulk Gives Back Program

Quidditch Australia was recently selected to be a recipient of the Bulk Gives Back program of Bulk Nutrients.

Bulk Nutrients is an Australian manufacturer and supplier of high quality sports supplements.

Operating since 2008, Bulk Nutrients has become one of the premier Australian brands to supply nutritional products to top level athletes, competitors and those on a journey to a healthier lifestyle. Like the organisations they are seeking to support... Bulk Nutrients started small. This means they understand how far $1000 can go when you're a small organisation and they are focusing on donating $1000 a day over 100 days to 100 Australian Not for Profit or Charity organisations.

We are incredibly thankful to Bulk Nutrients for selecting us to be a recipient of this donation, and are pleased to say it is already going to good use, having helped us to cover some of the costs of our recent Mardi Gras Parade entry. We look forward to being able to use what is left on helping with our development workshops.