COVID-19: Restrictions in Sydney, Resumption of Play in Victoria

Restrictions in Sydney:

With the rapid increase in cases in the inner Sydney area, especially given the governments advice regarding travel and the concentration of teams to this area, Quidditch Australia has taken the decision to preference caution and move to Step 1B restrictions for the Sydney area.

This means that player should only train with one club, ideally minimising travel, and adhere to requirements such as the 4 square meter rule again, with non contact drills only. The rules for Step 1B have been amended slightly from the original QARPP to allow for a max 20, which is closer to being in line with current restrictions.

Quidditch Australia and QNSW are monitoring the situation in Sydney closely and will provide updates as the situation develops. Please see below for more details.

Guidance for Rest of NSW / ACT:

Play remains unrestricted in NSW outside of the Greater Sydney area, however, players in Newcastle and ACT should avoid travel into the Greater Sydney area.

Update for Victoria:

With easing restrictions and stable case rates in Melbourne, we are lifting the suspension of play in Victoria to Step 3 - trainings should remain non contact with max 50. The possibility of moving back to Step 3B or 4 will be reexamined on Monday next week.

Reminders For All:

These rapid changes in COVID situations should be a reminder to all about the importance of basic common sense and should be a good opportunity to remind yourselves - whether individual players or organising clubs - of the responsibilities and recommendations outlined in the QARPP for keeping themselves and others safe in this time. These include strict hygiene measures, keeping records of attendance and contact details, etc.

It is especially important to note that the symptoms of COVID-19 from the delta variant are different to what they were under previous varients. These include sore throats, runny noses, and headaches. Please pay close attention to yourself, test and isolate if needed, and help keep yourself and others safe.

Thank you for your patience and we hope that things can return to normal as soon as possible.

Covid-19 Recovery Roadmap.jpg